Monday, January 22, 2018


The skin reflects your health, it is the body's canvas,  and it's your most valuable assets.  The skin, or I should say your skin can not be replaced, so daily skin care means everything.  Skin care dose not mean  that you have to go over board with products,  keeping it simple is best with a regular routine.  You should start a daily cleansing regimen at a young teenager  to develop healthy habits.  As mature women, we can take care and pamper our skin.   With the new trends of facial contour which require you to use an extensive amount of makeup,  it is even more important now to take better care of your skin to avoid clog pores, and  to prevent other skin damage.    It is critical that the women who use excessive makeup develop a daily skin care regimen.  There are some skin care issues that you will need a professional to seek help from such as a dermatologist,  however,  you can avoid some of these issues with proper skin care.   Shaw Essential Skin Care was created for young teenagers that are experiencing with cosmetic,  or just want to have healthy and younger looking skin.   These products can be used as young as thirteen year of age.   You have the Shaw Cleaning Gel,  Shaw Toner, Shaw Firming Serum, and Moisturizer Protection.  You also have a great Shaw Night Cream. These product are the key to young ladies getting the daily cleaning regimen started to keep you skin healthy and looking young.  Find these products at