Monday, September 3, 2018


Hair loss is such a tremendous problem for so many women and men,  for the young and the elderly.   There are hundreds and hundreds of women and men with alopecia aerata that enters into  a research community to find solutions to these problems.   There are no FDA approved treatment options for alopecia aerata,  leaving  patients to try an array of treatments including injected  chorticosteriods topical treatments and systemic treatments,  such as immunsoppreascants and immumodulators along with other obscure approaches.  However, Shawzae along with others hair companies have created hair accessory so that these men and women self confident has increase to allow them to live normal lives, and do the thing they want to do.   Some hair integration even allows for swimming and other  activities.    The emotional impact of alopecia areata is especially tough on women.   A lot of patients  described bullying and social media  stigma.  Some people have suffered job loss and marriages ended.   These issues are heart breaking and Shawzae is proud of getting in line  with a lot of other companies  to help with the solution for hair loss by adding hair accessory  to aid in the problem.  Shawzae has just started it's hair accessory line,  and hope to create more to continue adding more hair accessory  to assist in this solution of hair loss.  Check out  Shawzae Wig Boutique.


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