Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I am definitely a fan of rosemary for the hair.  Rosemary offers you so many wonderful benefits.
Rosemary stimulate growth, increase shine,, fights premature gray, and relieves you of dandruff,  wow,  that's some good stuff.   Some ladies leave the rosemary in their hair and some infuse their hair then rinse it,  if you allow rosemary to infuse your hair keep the cap on for at least 5- 10 minutes before rinsing it out.  Rosemary rinse will work either way,  and the oil you definitely leave in. There are also a few different ways to make your rinse and oil.   Some ladies boil the water and pour it over
the dry herb, and let it sit for a few hours before use.   I actually do a tenture and let it sit for 3- 4 weeks.  This product is so non expensive, and easy easy to make, and give you such huge

Here how to make a rosemary rinse and oil.

Get two jars of, one  4 oz jar and the other 2 oz jar.   You can use also whatever size you want.  

1. Fill your 4 oz jar half of rosemary dry herbs
2.  Fill the jar with water up to the top.
3. Shake, and place in a window.
4.  Shake each day until you are ready to strain.

Rosemary oil

1. Fill your 2 oz jar with dry rosemary herbs.
2.  Fill with your favorite hair oil,  mines is olive oil for this purpose.
3.   Cover the dry herbs with about an 1/2 inch from the top
4.  Shake and place in a window seal for 2-3 weeks.  You can also chop up the dry
herbs for that intense scent of rosemary.
5.  Leave in jar until you are ready to strain.

Your scalp and hair will appreciate this love

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